Employee using VIM and looking at smart phone to see the status of their tools 

Equipment Tracking Made Easier

Van Inventory Management & Heavy Equipment Management

Hilti is helping increase your jobsite productivity with real time visibility into the usage and maintenance needs of your heavy equipment and the status and location of your van inventory. We're introducing two great integrations to our ON!Track inventory management system. Take control of your Van Inventory Management with ON!Track Van Gateway and elevate your Heavy Equipment Management with ON!Track Telematics Gateway.

ON!Track Van Gateway

Worker performing van inventory management in their van with the ON!Track mobile app

Van Inventory Management

Do you really know what's in your vans when they leave the warehouse and when they return?

Are you wasting time looking for equipment when you could be automatically tracking tools and assets digitally?

Our Van Inventory Management solution helps you stay in control of your tools and assets. This complement to our ON!Track equipment tracking system helps minimize project delays and unnecessary expenses.

Plug-and-play automation

Worker unloading equipment from their van

Streamline van inventory tracking by simply connecting the Bluetooth device to your van. Start tracking and monitoring what’s inside your van, in real time. With ON!Track, you can quickly access asset information and reduce time-consuming and error-prone tasks such as manual searching, data entry, and vehicle bookings.

Remote inventory tracking

No need to interrupt your busy construction crews with inventory requests. Instead, check your van and warehouse inventory remotely via the ON!Track mobile app. It can help save money by keeping jobsites productive and maximizing team efficiency.

Improved asset transparency

ON!Track alerts you if items are removed from the van during non-working hours or deviate from their designated inventory or location. Be the first to know when something's not right, then locate your assets in seconds.

ON!Track Telematics Gateway

Jobsite with icons over heavy equipment showing their status

Heavy Equipment Management

Do you lack visibility into the location and usage of your heavy equipment?

Are you facing project delays because equipment isn't working properly or is out for maintenance?

Our Heavy Equipment Management solution connects you to your jobsite assets. This addition to the ON!Track equipment tracking system helps reduce downtime by tracking your heavy equipment while monitoring its usage and maintenance.

Remote equipment tracking

Crew member checking heavy equipment status on their ON!Track mobile app

Whether you're on the job site or on the go, always-on Bluetooth scanning delivers real time location and usage information of your heavy construction equipment and attachments. Knowing where your assets are and how and when they're being used gives you the transparency you need to keep projects moving.

Automated equipment management

Automated tracking reduces the need for error-prone and time-consuming manual work such as data entry and equipment bookings. With ON!Track inventory management software, you can differentiate between engine time and actual work hours, so you can find ways to maximize the value of your jobsite machinery.

Proactive equipment maintenance

Minimize equipment downtime by setting maintenance alerts based on distance or engine hours. Heavy Equipment Management helps ensure all machinery and attachments are fully operational so you can focus on the performance of your projects.

Stay in control with end-to-end asset tracking


Track more than just tools

Track almost any tool or device from any brand, not just Hilti. Manage supplies and receive low-stock alerts for easier replenishment. Check safety and compliance requirements. Schedule maintenance and repairs, access equipment documentation, and gain insights into what needs to be replaced.

Tell me more about ON!Track

Discover connected cordless tools

Simplify tool management with Nuron, a powerful 22V platform for all your cordless tools, from drills to breakers. Nuron technology seamlessly delivers data to ON!Track to deliver premium services to users without interrupting jobsite operations.

Explore Nuron cordless tools

Gain control of costs

Fleet Management lets you choose only the tools you need, and for a fixed monthly fee, it covers tool use, repairs and theft coverage. When combined with ON!Track, Fleet Management delivers an efficient and comprehensive equipment management solution.

Start optimizing with Fleet Management

Request a productivity analysis

Want to learn how Hilti can help you track your tools, equipment and heavy machinery? Request an expert productivity analysis to discuss how ON!Track can save you time and cost. Though our Gateway solutions are available to customers using our ON!Track and Fleet Management services, we can talk you through everything you need to get started.

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