Schaan (FL) / St. Gallen (CH), September 12, 2017 – The Hilti Group and the University of St. Gallen (HSG) have announced that they will extend their partnership regarding the Hilti Lab for Integrated Performance Management by an additional three years. Research activity will now focus on improving the linkage between corporate objectives and employee potential.

The Hilti Lab was founded together with the University of St. Gallen in February, 2013. The focus of the research until now has been on how to increase an organization’s competitive ability by applying flexible target, measurement and assessment practices. “We jointly developed an innovative performance management model which is already having a positive effect on both the financial situation of our company and on the motivation of our employees. These results have made us more than willing to continue to invest in this partnership,” says Werner Wallner, head of finance at Hilti.

Both partners have benefitted from the research cooperation, explains Franz Wirnsperger, the operative manager of the Hilti Lab. “We were able to carry out studies in Hilti’s market organizations that provided valuable research results to verify motivation theories. We also advanced ideas for the optimal further development of remuneration models for sales-based employees.” The company is also supporting the implementation of a new learning strategy to be applied in the finance academy. The experiences gleaned through this cooperation will also be used in continuation training events conducted at HSG. During the second phase of this cooperation, the Hilti Lab will focus on applying the knowledge gained to the day-to-day work by better linking corporate objectives with employee potential. Companies increasingly need to motivate employees in a narrower, more targeted manner while removing barriers to performance, according to Franz Wirnsperger. “We still have many ideas on how we can provide innovative impulses. As a result, we are very pleased with the extension of this research cooperation agreement.”

The Hilti Lab employs several doctoral candidates who work on both scientific and practical projects, thereby ensuring the transfer of knowledge. The lab is also an integral component of the Chair of Controlling / Performance Management of Prof. Dr. Klaus Möller, who serves as scientific director.  

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